5 Amazing tips to make your Drawing room look luxurious

plant-stands-indoor-tipasThe drawing room is often the place in your home which tells the story of your entire home. People always use to make them look attractive and to impress the guests. There are many ways by which one can make their living room looks lavish. Here are some cool hacks that everyone can try them easily in their home.

  1. Simple and tidy – Never make your room looks like a dumping ground for the furniture, furnishings and other items. Never accessorized your spaces it makes look messy and busy rather than sophisticated. So avoid cluttering and try to eliminate the unwanted items from the room. For your instance you can opt for multifunctional furniture like those have storage spaces to hide the things.
  1. Adding Plush – Comfort is another name of luxury. So for extreme comfort nothing is better than plush. You can add some more soft throws, cushions, and pillows in your drawing room. Large sized cushions look more appealing rather than too many small cushions. You can also go for stylish plush rugs.
  1. Hanging lights – Rather than the ordinary lighting fixtures, opt for glamorous pendant or chandelier light fixtures. This makes the room look lavish and more attractive. The amount of light should be at mild, neither too dark nor too bright. The right amount of light enhances the beauty of the room.
  1. Upgrading Hardware – Switch your old and ordinary hardware to the decorative and stylish pieces. You can find numerous variety in terms of drawing room designing related hardware products such as curtain rods, door handles, pulls, knobs, etc. This will bring the classy look in the room instantly.
  1. Add some greenery – Adding a green plan in the drawing room instantly bring the freshness and add the value in the room. A large fern is a good option for the drawing room. To give an expansive look in a room in affordable ways so this is one of the best ways.

There are so many ways by that you can spice up your drawing room and make it look lavish without splurging heavy costs. So these were some the top examples that you can try them easily.

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